Monday, February 9, 2009

What to do...............

what to do what to do!!! Have you ever knew something- but didn't want to know it but know it in the pit of your stomach? Well if so what do you do? Whether you are right or not it will not end good. Does that change your answer to what do you do?
Yes I am praying-actually I am in constant prayer even while I am typing this but still..................................................................................


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

You are doing the right thing...pray, hear clearly from God what to do...and then regardless of how you think it will turn out - obey.

Those are "general" instructions...praying for you as you seek to discern specific instructions for this situation.

Conny said...

yes, I think I've been there! A few months ago, I found out something about one of our students. She was breaking school rules & there was evidence of it on her myspace page....For a long time I kept it a secret from Dan (the administrator). She was a Senior & this would definitely get her expelled. I couldn't stand it any more - told Dan who told her parents (which devastated them) and the girl was expelled & now won't come back to our church :(
It was awful all the way around - but I do believe I did the right thing: the girl was doing some things & showing them ON THE INTERNET that if it were my daughter, I'd want to know even though I'd be devastated.
Keep praying - the answer will come! GOd has a mysterious way of guiding one's conscience.

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