Sunday, March 20, 2011

30 Days of Blogging-#26

day 26- list 10 things that you are thankful for

  1. God
  2. The Bible-I may not understand it but it gives me comfort that God's promises are there for me.
  3. My husband Lonnie-he is a GREAT husband & father and I am truly blessed to have him love me.
  4. My kids: Chelsea, Jordan & Lonnie aka "The Boy!" They drive me crazy but I LOVE them so.
  5. My church family-they are the bestest! They love me flaws & all.
  6. Chocolate-when I need a little pick me up it really does help.
  7. Green-green grass and if it is soft to-Oh my I am just over the moon.
  8. Not to sound selfish but A/C! I live in Texas and it gets hot-crazy hot but I am thankful for it.
  9. My puppies-they really are like children only furry but they are pretty darn cool.
  10. That I am breathing-life is good. It may not be 100% perfect but if you are breathing you should be thankful-it beats the alternative.

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