Monday, January 24, 2011


Guess what has been on my mind- WORDS! I mean really! This has been on it for well over a week and as I thought more & more about it I couldn't figure out why. As I sit here and type I still don't get it but here is my thoughts about it anyway. lol

So, I went to my friend Google and typed in this question" How many words does the average person say in a day? And the answer was male = 6073 words per day female = 8805 words per day. However, I did see that it could be 20,000+ for females. Oh my goodness!

While I was looking for an image I found this about Word in the dictionary-WOW!!!!!

So words. They can be good ones and not so good ones. They can be spoken in love or hate. Then they can be written where we understand what is being "said" or we don't get it! Then we have cell phones w/texting and there is a whole other set of words and meanings.


They are everywhere. Then as this has been on my mind-I got to think about how we should live and immediately it came to me-where should we find that and guess what came to me "The Word" can be found in the Bible. I am thinking that I am in need of reading and as I go about my daily life-the Word is coming to me. Hmmmmm I think I am being led to go deeper into the Word-there is something waiting for me there.

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